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Health Equity

November 12, 2020: Comprehensive Cancer Control Coalitions Advancing Health Equity [Passcode: vjH=T7Us]

The first Zoom session was held on November 12, 2020 at 3pm ET. The session featured Ms. Shonta Chambers, with the Patient Advocate Foundation served as our health equity expert and facilitator. Shonta leads the development and execution of strategic initiatives to expand PAF’s approach to achieve health equity through community and national level partnership engagement and mobilization. Two CCC coalitions shared their experiences with addressing health equity so far and future plans: Ms. Christi Cahill, Executive Director of the Colorado Cancer Coalition and Ms. Kelly Sittig, Executive Director of the Iowa Cancer Consortium. View Ms. Chamber’s presentation, Ms. Sittig’s presentation, and Ms. Cahill’s presentation

February 23, 2021: Using Data to Set Health Equity Priorities  (updated 2/6/2023)

May 25, 2021: Assessing Representation in Your Coalition

In her video presentation on May 25, 2021, Dr. Miles-Richardson discusses assessing representation in your coalition. Stephanie Miles-Richardson, D.V.M., Ph.D. is a Professor in Community Health & Preventive Medicine, Associate Dean of Graduate Education in Public Health, Director of the Master of Public Health Program, Morehouse School of Medicine.

August 11, 2021: Addressing Disparities with Adapted Evidence-Based Interventions [Passcode: eA3tU@&Z]

The August 11, 2021 session focused on addressing disparities with adapted evidence-based interventions.  The webinar featured Prajakta Adsul, MBBS, MPH, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, The University of New Mexico Health Sciences and Member, Cancer Control and Population Science Research Program. View Dr. Adsul’s presentation slides.

December 14, 2021: Evaluation and Health Equity in Comprehensive Cancer Control 

The December 14, 2021 session featured Trina Pyron, MA, and Dr. Angela Moore, DrPh, MA, both with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. View the Evaluation and Health Equity in Comprehensive Cancer Control presentation slides.

March 1, 2022: Comprehensive Cancer Control National Partnership Efforts to Advance Health Equity 

The March 1, 2022 session highlighted the steps the Comprehensive Cancer Control National Partnership have taken to further incorporate and operationalize health equity in its priorities. View the session presentation slides.

  • Data sources where you can look at indicators by different demographic factors to uncover disparities
    • Cancer Facts & Figures for African Americans (ACS)
    • Cancer Facts & Figures for Hispanics/Latinos (ACS)
    • Cancer Disparities: A Chartbook (2018) Illustrates the scope of cancer disparities that exist across our nation (ACS CAN)
    • Data Equity Framework from We All Count. When it comes to equity in data science projects, trying to find all the ways that bias, assumptions, unfairness, and prejudice can sneak in may feel overwhelming. Trying to look at a whole project and see all the equity weaknesses and issues is almost impossible. That’s why We All Count has developed: The Data Equity Framework.
    • Racial Equity Data Hub from the Tableau Foundation
    • State Cancer Profiles Cancer statistics, charts, and maps by data topic across the cancer control continuum (National Cancer Institute [NCI])
    • National Equity Atlas One-stop-shop for data and policy ideas to advance racial equity and shared prosperity. Provides equity metrics that are deeply disaggregated by race/ethnicity, gender, nativity, ancestry, and income for the largest 100 cities, 150 regions, all 50 states, and the US as a whole. Includes a brand new racial equity index. (PolicyLink and University of Southern California Equity Research Institute)
    • The CDC and the HHS Office of Minority Health developed the Minority Health Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) to enhance existing resources to support the identification of racial and ethnic minority communities at the greatest risk for disproportionate impact and adverse outcomes due to the COVID-19 pandemic but much of the data are relevant for cancer too like  SES, language, housing, transportation, health care infrastructure, and medical vulnerability. The Minority Health SVI is an extension of the CDC Social Vulnerability Index, which is a platform that helps emergency response planners and public health officials identify, map, and plan support for communities that will most likely need support before, during, and after a public health emergency.  
    • New social determinants of health dataset available for download and analysis from the National Cancer Institute. This data set includes, for each US census tract, certain SDOH data elements, including race/ethnicity, education, poverty, urban/rural, socioeconomic status, and racial residential segregation indices defined using 2008-2012 American Community Survey data and 2010 definitions of rural urban commuting areas. The SDOH data set is publicly available, pending an application and data use agreement.  
  • Data Visualization information and tools

Community-level strategies and resources

Resources for the clinical community

National Initiatives and examples from across the country

  • CDC’s Minority Health website with Health Equity Matters newsletter, Conversations in Equity blog, and other resources
  • NACDD’s Health Equity Council website with tools & resources, including extensive recommended reading lists, and archived webinars
  • CDC’s Networking2Save program supports a consortium of national networks to advance commercial tobacco use prevention and cancer prevention in populations experiencing tobacco- and cancer-related health disparities

Vaccine Preventable Cancers

The vaccine preventable cancers workgroup of the Comprehensive Cancer Control National Partnership (CCCNP) has developed an evaluation resource to help CCC coalitions to evaluate their efforts in promoting Hepatitis B (HBV) and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination. This resource has been developed to evaluate the areas of partnership enhancement and communication that CCC coalitions are likely to focus on in promoting HPV and HBV vaccination.

Learn more.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides HPV resources and HBV resources for parents and the public, health care professionals, partners and programs.

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) hosts the Evidence-Based Cancer Control Programs (EBCCP) website, searchable database of evidence-based cancer control programs that provides program planners and public health practitioners easy and immediate access to:

  1. programs tested in a research study,
  2. publication(s) of the study findings, and
  3. program materials used with a particular study population in a specific setting.
  • National HPV Vaccination Roundtable (HPV Roundtable), convened by the American Cancer Society, is a trusted coalition of public, private, and voluntary organizations and experts dedicated to reducing incidence of and mortality from HPV cancers in the United States and curates a helpful
  • resource library for various audiences (parents, clinicians, state, and local coalitions) involved in similar efforts.

Hep B United is the only national coalition dedicated to address and eliminate hepatitis B and associated liver cancer. They offer resources for organizations like webinars, fact sheets, communications resources, and more.

Download a PDF of the CCCNP’s HBV Resource List to distribute to your partners. 

CCCNP Cancer Conversation – Hepatitis B Screening for Cancer Prevention: An Update on the New Screening Recommendations

Colorectal Cancer Screening

With support from CDC’s Division of Cancer Prevention and Control and Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research, NACDD has launched a Mailed Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) Online Course to help increase colorectal cancer screening rates in diverse healthcare settings.

Mailed FIT is an effective screening strategy for colorectal cancer because it has been shown to increase population screening rates, is relatively low-cost compared to colonoscopies, and patients can complete the tests in the convenience of their homes.

The free online course provides healthcare professionals with easy-to-access information in video form. The videos cover all phases of a mailed FIT outreach program, including getting started, selecting a FIT kit, population selection, advance notifications, mailing FIT kits, sending reminders, processing received samples, following up on abnormal results, and sustaining the program.

The Mailed FIT Online Course gives step-by-step instructions on how to design and implement a successful Mailed FIT outreach program, including clinic preparation, a flowchart of operational steps, and recommendations for follow-up. The course also provides testimonial videos from three clinics and includes a variety of helpful resources for implementing mailed FIT programs, a companion workbook, and a messages guide for use in promoting the training to partners.

View CCC Resource Snapshot – Mailed FIT Online Course (pdf)

The U.S. Cancer Statistics Data Visualizations tool provides colorectal cancer incidence and death counts, rates, and trend data; survival and prevalence estimates; and state-, county-, and congressional district data in a user-driven format. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) have combined their cancer incidence data sources to produce these statistics. Mortality data are from CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) National Vital Statistics System (NVSS). The Tool also provides colorectal cancer screening rates for every state, for all races and ethnicities, male and females (USCS Data Visualizations – CDC ). These model-based estimates are generated using BRFSS. Users can also click on each state for county-level screening rates.

CDC supports cancer control programs and coalitions in every state, several tribes and  tribal organizations, and US Territories and Pacific Island Jurisdications through its National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (NCCCP) | CDC . These coalitions work together to prioritize the implementation of activities to prevent cancer, find and detect cancer early (including colorectal cancer); increase access to quality treatment, and improve the quality of life of cancer survivors in their state- or jurisdiction-wide strategic Comprehensive Cancer Control Plans | CDC.

The Colorectal Cancer Facts & Figures report provides a comprehensive overview of colorectal cancer in the US, including statistics on colorectal cancer occurrence, as well as information about risk factors, prevention, early detection, and treatment.

The NCI provides a database of evidence-based programs for colorectal cancer screening that allows you to search by population of focus, delivery location, community type, age, sex, and race/ethnicity, as well as by whether materials are available on the website. 

GW provides toolkits designed to help partners communicate about colorectal cancer via social media.

In partnership with Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research, and with support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, NACDD has created a new resource designed to help increase colorectal cancer screening rates – the Mailed FIT GuideThe guide provides step-by-step instructions for planning and implementing a mailed FIT outreach program.

Sustaining Coalitions

Coalition Check-Ins are informal, ½ hour video calls on a topic of interest to cancer coalition leaders. To kick off the call, one coalition comes prepared to share their experience on the topic, followed by organic, interactive discussion amongst all participants, facilitated by a member of the Comprehensive Cancer Control National Partnership.

Join upcoming sessions and access recordings below, or view previous webinar chat summaries.

Upcoming Sessions

Series Schedule: Every 3 Months, on the First Tuesday of the
Month, from 4pm-4:30pm EST

  • June 4, 2024
  • September 10, 2024
  • December 3, 2024

Add the event series to your calendar! Download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) invites:

Past Session Recordings

August 1, 2023, Zoom: Worksite Wellness Initiatives with State Government Employees

May 17, 2022 Zoom Check-in #15: How are you convening your coalition now?

February 15, 2022 Zoom Check-in #14 Emergency Preparedness in CCC PlansWatch the recording  

October 26, 2021 Zoom Check-in #13 Addressing Health Misinformation | Watch the recording 

April 13, 2021 Zoom Check in #12 Getting Back on Track with HPV Vaccination and Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy | Watch the recording  Password: ?=1.7USr

January 19 Zoom Check-in #11: CCC Coalitions and Messaging re: Getting Back to Screening | Watch the recording Password: 8J%8jd@t

December 15 Zoom Check-in #10: In what ways has the pandemic impacted how your coalition is implementing the cancer plan? | Watch the recording Password: q1.#?#FS

November 17 Zoom Check-in #9 Return to screening, in the midst of a pandemic | Watch the recording Password: cV#R5PC$

September 15 Zoom Check-in #8 What have you started to do during the last few months to keep your coalition moving forward that you will continue to do? | Watch the recording Password: x4g2m?ji

August 4, 2020 Zoom Check-in #7  “Bright Spots” during the pandemic |Watch the recording Password: Umm6h9+d

June 23, 2020 Zoom Check-In #6 How are you continuing to engage and/or convene your partners during this time? | Watch the recording Password: 4e^53O$x

June 9, 2020 Zoom Check-In #5:  CRC screening in the COVID-19 Era |Watch the recording Password: 3R?65&=J

May 26, 2020 Zoom Check-In #4:  Incorporating Cancer Prevention Messaging with Messages About COVID-19 Safety Part 2 | Watch the recording Password: 9U!iXk09

May 12, 2020 Zoom Check-In #3:  Incorporating Cancer Prevention Messaging with Messages About COVID-19 Safety Part 1 | Watch the recording Password: 1X&S$ZzQ

April 28, 2020 Zoom Check-in #2: Discussion with CDC and ACS:  What Can Coalitions do During the Pandemic to Keep Momentum Going |Watch the recording Password: 3M%Un!=A

April 21, 2020 Zoom Check-in #1: CCC Coalition Communication During COVID-19 | Watch the recording Password: 9f$M683w

Coalition Conversations are quarterly, one-hour learning sessions that offer CCC Programs & Coalitions an opportunity to engage with the Comprehensive Cancer Control National Partnership, hearing from national experts on timely topics impacting coalition work and networking with like-minded professionals from across the country. Sessions include a 20-30 minute presentation from a subject matter expert, followed by facilitated Q & A with the speaker and participants. 

Series Schedule: Every 3 Months, on the Third Tuesday of the Month, from 4pm-5pm EST

Nine Habits of Successful Comprehensive Cancer Control Coalitions, 3rd Edition 
The new third edition was revised to incorporate health equity principles and examples, across all the habits. The Guide was made possible through the collaboration of the CCCNP with leadership in development from Strategic Health Concepts and the American Cancer Society.

Cancer Plan Tip Sheets are offered through the CCCNP to assist cancer coalitions charged with developing, implementing, and evaluating cancer control plans tailored to their state/tribe/territory/jurisdiction. CCC plans focus coalition efforts on evidence-based interventions (EBIs) that impact cancer prevention and control across the cancer continuum. Each tip sheet focuses on a specific topic (e.g., colorectal cancer screening, tobacco control, risk factors for cancer survivors).

Health Behaviors of Cancer Survivors

Dana Farber Cancer Institute Resources for Young Adults with Cancer

NCCR*Explorer (Provides incidence and survival statistics for cancers in children and adolescent and young adults ages 0-39, using data from the National Childhood Cancer Registry (NCCR). It provides detailed statistics for a cancer site by sex, race/ethnicity, and age, and allows for comparison across cancer sites and subsites).

Triage Cancer A Practical Guide to Cancer Rights for Young Adults

CCCNP Resources Address Food Insecurity (PDF)

Why Hunger Find Food Database Find community-based organizations and emergency food providers of food pantries.

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food Insecurity and Health (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics) Quick blog on impact of food insecurity on health and links to resources

Times Record Debunking Five Myths and Misconceptions about Food Insecurity  This is a great overview of myths and solutions to food insecurity

American Hospital Association Food Insecurity and the Role of Hospitals A resource that outlines steps hospitals and health systems can take to address food insecurity among their patients. It includes case studies of hospitals that have built successful partnerships to address food insecurity.

Children’s Health Watch Hunger Vital Signs A validated 2-question food insecurity screening tool based on the U.S. Household Food Security Survey Module to identify households at risk of food insecurity.

Hunger + Health Food Insecurity Screening Toolkit This toolkit gives detailed guidance for health professionals on incorporating screening for food insecurity and referral to existing resources.

American Society of Clinical Oncology

Cancer Support Community

Commission on Cancer

GW Cancer Center

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society


National Behavioral Health Network for Tobacco & Cancer Control

National Cancer Institute

National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship