Evaluation of Comprehensive Cancer Control (CCC) Efforts to Promote HPV and HBV Vaccination

The vaccine preventable cancers workgroup of the National Comprehensive Cancer Control Partnership (CCCNP) has developed an evaluation resource to help CCC coalitions to evaluate their efforts in promoting Hepatitis B (HBV) and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination. This resource has been developed to evaluate the areas of partnership enhancement and communication that CCC coalitions are likely to focus on in promoting HPV and HBV vaccination. View PDF Learn About It! What is the tool?
  • To address needs identified by coalition representatives, the CCCNP Vaccine Preventable Cancers Workgroup developed a logic model that outlines common coalition strategies, activities, and outcomes related to partnership enhancement and communication related to promoting HPV and HBV vaccination (figure 1). This logic model aligns with the NCCCP strategies in the 5-year notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) logic model, particularly supporting partnerships for cancer prevention and control, delivering and implementing evidence-based interventions and conducting program monitoring and evaluation.
  • Each logic model strategy is mapped to specific evaluation questions, concepts, indicators, data sources, and data collection methods in an accompanying evaluation matrix.
  • Developed with input from CDC subject matter experts and coalition partners, this tool provides cancer coalitions with a roadmap for the types of questions and information needed to best evaluate their efforts in improving vaccination rates through partnership enhancement and communication efforts.
Use It! How can my coalition use this tool?
  • Ideally, coalitions would use this tool at the beginning of a new initiative for promoting HPV and/or HBV vaccination.
    • Use it to as plan coalition activities and select associated evaluation metrics at the outset.
    • Engagement of coalition members and other relevant partners and community members will help in the selection of appropriate and feasible activities and relevant outcomes to evaluate.
  • Coalitions can also use this tool after activities to promote HPV and/or HBV vaccination have begun.
    • Identify aligned evaluation metrics and data sources for activities underway.
    • Work with implementing partners to determine feasibility, timelines, and workflow/responsibilities for data collection and analysis to ensure that the most meaningful data are gathered and reported.

Strategy 1: Develop and Enhance Partnerships to Promote Vaccination.

Evaluation Question Concept Tested Indicator Data Source Data Collection Method
(1) To what extent does the CCC coalition enhance partnerships to promote HBV and HPV vaccination? Partnership Development and Support
  • Assessment of number of partners by specialty
  • Assessment of collaboration between partners on activities, correspondences
CCC meeting minutes, correspondences, and documents
  • List the number of partners, the sector each represents, and how the partner participates with the program
  • Track follow-through on commitments.
  • Maintain meeting minutes to document the partnerships, activities, and delineation of tasks
  • Evidence may also include lists of work group members, products of partnership, documents that demonstrate collaboration on activities, and program activities with partners
  • Log critical events, which may be changes in resources, events facilitated by the partnership, events in support of partnership activity, or events that are barriers to partnership goals
  • Debrief after partnership meetings for positive aspects and areas for improvement; identify resources needed for improvement
  • Conduct periodic training needs assessments

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Strategy 2: Facilitate and Enhance Communication of Evidence Based Interventions

Evaluation Question Concept Tested Indicator Data Source Data Collection Method
(2a) To what extent is the CCC coalition increasing knowledge of evidence-based interventions (EBI) to improve vaccination uptake among CCC coalition partners serving under-immunized populations? (2b) To what extent has the increased knowledge of the EBIs led to action among CCC coalition partners? Communication and Awareness
  • Number of vaccine education tools that are accessible, culturally relevant and literacy level appropriate for under immunized populations.
  • Number of trained and culturally competent professionals available to conduct vaccination uptake communications for under immunized populations
  • Improved knowledge and informed decision making among training participants.
Survey of coalition partners to assess:
  • Use of education tools provided (number and type)
  • Number of trained professionals by type
Ask Coalition manager about:
  • Number of education tools provided to partners
  • Information on knowledge and decision making in post webinar surveys.
  • List of types of educational tools provided to coalition partners
  • Conducting periodic training needs assessment
  • List of training professionals
  • List of survey questions assessing knowledge uptake and next steps

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Strategy 3: Facilitate and Enhance Communication about Vaccination Data

Evaluation Question Concept Tested Indicator Data Source Data Collection Method
(3a) To what extent is the coalition communicating about data on barriers and facilitators to vaccine uptake and vaccination coverage among under-immunized populations? (3b) To what extent has the increased knowledge of data about barriers to vaccine uptake and vaccination coverage led to action among CCC partners serving under-immunized populations? Dissemination and Use of Data
  • Number of educational tools or communication products that are accessible, culturally relevant appropriate to inform data on barriers and facilitators to vaccine uptake
  • Number of EBI’s implemented by CCC coalition partners serving under immunized populations
  • Coalition meeting minutes
Ask Coalition manager about:
  • List of disseminated products/tools
  • List of evidence-based interventions implemented by partners
  • List of types of educational tools provided to coalition partners
  • Evaluation of success/outcomes of evidence-based interventions implemented

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Outcome: Increase HPV/HBV Vaccination Amount Populations Experiencing Disparities

Evaluation Question Concept Tested Indicator Data Source Data Collection Method
(4)To what extent does the CCC coalition increase access to immunization services including among priority populations and/or communities experiencing disparities? Participation by priority population Outreach to community and to providers
  • Number and type of vaccine opportunities implemented by partners (including alternative settings such as community, non-medical settings) since collaboration with the CCC coalition.
  • Number and type of organizations that implemented vaccination opportunities since collaboration with the CCC coalition.
  • Vaccination coverage numbers by partners since collaboration with the CCC coalition
  • Vaccination records from partner since collaboration with the CCC coalition
  • Activity records from partners since collaboration with the CCC coalition
  • State immunization registry
  • Data briefs/annual reports from coalitions
  • Aggregate data from health systems partners, if possible
  • Requesting aggregate de-identified data from partners on vaccinations delivered by age and race
  • Program records or statement of activities

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