Cancer Screening

Preventing and detecting cancer early: Cancer screening saves lives!
The Priority:
What We Do:
Coalition-based approaches to cancer prevention and control have proven effective time and time again, particularly when addressing the issues that affect the cancer health outcomes linked to factors such as access to care, education, and social and economic status.
Now, more than ever, CCC programs and coalitions play a critical role in promoting lung and colorectal cancer screening messages and activities in community settings across the United States. In addition, CCC programs and coalitions are uniquely positioned to plan and support activities to remove barriers to screening to achieve Healthy People 2030 screening goals. Together, we can increase awareness about lung and colorectal cancer screening and make screening accessible, affordable, and convenient for all. The CCCNP Cancer Screening Priority Workgroup strives to help CCC programs and coalitions identify strategies to leverage their partnerships and resources to increase lung and colorectal cancer screening rates. This workgroup aims to assist CCC programs and coalitions in their critical ability to convene the appropriate partners (i.e. health care providers, health systems, communities, businesses, faith-based institutions, community health centers, state and local government, survivors, and others), build appropriate momentum, and generate collective support in every state and several tribes and US territories.
Colorectal Cancer Screening Resources
- American Cancer Society’s Colorectal Cancer Early Detection, Diagnosis and Staging Information
- CDC’s Division of Cancer Prevention and Control and Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research, NACDD Mailed Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) Online Course
- CDC’s Colorectal Cancer Control Program
- U.S. Preventative Services Task Force Colorectal Screening Recommendations
- The U.S. Cancer Statistics Data Visualizations tool provides colorectal cancer incidence and death counts, rates, and trend data; survival and prevalence estimates; and state-, county-, and congressional district data in a user-driven format.
- National Cancer Institute State Cancer Profiles
- Mortality data are from CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) National Vital Statistics System (NVSS).
- American Cancer Society (ACS): Colorectal Cancer Facts & Figures 2023-2025
- American Cancer Society Colorectal Cancer Data Dashboard
- American Cancer Society National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable Communications Education Portal
- CCCNP Colorectal Cancer Tip Sheet
- CDC’s Colorectal Cancer Communication Resources
- View CCC Resource Snapshot – Mailed FIT Online Course (pdf)
- The NCI provides a database of evidence-based programs for colorectal cancer screening that allows you to search by population of focus, delivery location, community type, age, sex, and race/ethnicity, as well as by whether materials are available on the website
- GW Colorectal Cancer Awareness Toolkit designed to help partners communicate about colorectal cancer via social media.
- American Indian Foundation Colorectal Awareness Campaign – Blue Beads
- National Cancer Institute’s Colorectal Cancer Screening: What to Expect Video
- National LGBT Cancer Network Cancer Cards
- American Cancer Society’s “What can LGBT Communities Do to Advance Screening for Colorectal Cancer?”
- American Cancer Society’s Clinician’s Reference for Stool-Based Tests for Colorectal Cancer Screening
- ACS National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable Colorectal Cancer Screening Best Practices: A Handbook for Hospitals and Healthsystems
Lung Cancer Screening Resources
- CDC Data Visualization Tool with lung cancer data by state, county, and congressional districts
- National Cancer Institute (NCI) State Cancer Profiles
- National Lung Cancer Roundtable (NLCRT) Lung Cancer Atlas, tutorials, dashboard, and state story maps
- American Lung Association (ALA) State of Lung Cancer
- CDC PLACES for local smoking and social drivers of health (SDOH) data
- American Cancer Society (ACS) Cancer Prevention & Early Detection Facts & Figures
- County Health Rankings & Roadmaps for local access to care and smoking data
- CCCNP’s Cancer Plan Tip Sheet for Lung Cancer Screening
- NCLRT’s State-Based Initiative Planning Tool
- CDC’s Field Guide for Assessing Readiness to Implement Evidence-Based Cancer Screening Interventions (developed for colorectal cancer but relevant for lung)
- International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) Non-Stigmatizing Language Guide
- NLCRT’s Lung Cancer Stigma Communications Assessment Tool
- ACS’s “Get Screened” initiative resources
- ALA’s and The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center’s State Medicaid Lung Cancer Screening Coverage Toolkit ALA’s “Saved by the Scan” Toolkit
- GW’s Lung Cancer Awareness Month toolkit
- Archived learning sessions from the 2023 Kentucky Lung Cancer Screening Learning Collaborative
- NCI’s Evidence-Based Cancer Control Programs
- Cancer Support Community’s educational materials and helpline
- LUNGevity’s education materials and helpline
- GO2 for Lung Cancer’s education materials and Helpline
- Go2 for Lung Cancer’s Frequently Asked Questions About Screening
- ALA’s What to Expect from a Lung Cancer Screening
- ALA’s Is lung cancer screening covered under your insurance?
- ALA’s Questions to ask your insurance company about coverage for lung cancer screening
- ACS, NLCRT, GO2 for Lung Cancer, and LUNGevity’s
- University of Michigan’s Lung Cancer Screening Should I Get Screened?
- Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center’s Lung Cancer Screening Decision Tool
- American Thoracic Society and ALA’s Lung Cancer Screening Implementation Guide
- Lung Cancer Alliance’s Strengthening Adherence in Lung Cancer Screening
- GO2 for Lung Cancers’ screening program structure models
- ACCC’s Lung Cancer Screening Change Package
- American College of Radiology (ACR) Lung Cancer Screening Education (up to 15 free CME)
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Patient Navigation Models for Lung Cancer
- Patient Navigation & Community Health Worker Training Lung Cancer Screening: Patient Navigator Roadmap & Lung Cancer Screening for Patient Navigators e-Course
- Academy of Oncology Nurse & Patient Navigators (AONN+) Lung Screening Navigator Network
- ACR’s Lung Cancer Screening Economics & Billing Quick Reference Guide
- ALA’s Lung Cancer Screening & Billing Guide
- LUNGevity’s Bulk Patient Educational Materials Order Form for Providers
- GO2 For Lung Cancer’s Screening Centers of Excellence
- ACR Lung Cancer Screening Locator Tool and Accredited Facilities Search
- Association of Cancer Care Centers (ACCC) KY-WV-VA Interactive Lung Cancer Screening Map
- GO2 For Lung Cancer’s Screening Centers of Excellence
- ACR Lung Cancer Screening Locator Tool and Accredited Facilities Search
- Association of Cancer Care Centers (ACCC) KY-WV-VA Interactive Lung Cancer Screening Map